How are you feeling in your heart? - I mean: what is the feeling you have right now in your heart?
- take a moment please to really sense that feeling. Thank you.
My mission is to "touch hearts and to help grow and fulfil dreams".
you could say, i am a "walking dream-catcher".
My latest project is about men's work combined with physical work rebuilding an old
mountain bus a "Postauto" from 1964, which we transform into a "vintage men's café"
and from time to time, we sit in circle and talk about our lives and our emotions.
Please check on: www.urblume/patina
We are looking for skilled men who help us materialise that dream.
Become an essential part of Patina through crowd-funding:

How many times have i struggled in my own little world, trying to find a solution to an issue i thought was impossible to solve. Only when i met a person who had the patience and a completely different approach, a different point of view, asking me some really good questions - i got that "aha"-moment.
That is exactly i what i needed at that time to make the changes happen that i so desperately needed. So this is exactly what i am offering here. My patient ears, my curious listening an open heart and some really good questions coming from a rich life of challenging moments and experiences.
We can do this face to face - i am happy to meet where and when is suitable for both of us - and we can use modern technology like Zoom - Skype ecc. to make your situation change for good.
Simply contact me using this button